Friday, February 29, 2008

John 2

In this chapter we have what is thought to be Jesus' first miracle and it is his mother who asks him to do it. I guess we might say this is Jesus' first public miracle because it seems that Mary knows Jesus can help in this situation. She knows there is something special about Jesus. So I assume sometime she has experienced what Jesus can do. She tells the servants to do whatever he says.
Since I have experienced Christ in my life I can't tell you how many times I have encouraged people to do whatever he tells you. Although many will get into difficult situations they will not follow Jesus' way to live a full life. We keep trying our own way and if we would just listen to Jesus we could move in the right direction.
I know what Jesus tells us to do does not always sound like the solution, but it is. He says to gain our lives we must give them to others. He says to be first we must be last. It doesn't make sense, but it works. When we offer ourselves to others because of our love for them God touches both them and us in a miraculous way. Try it!
(Side note: I think it is interesting that Jesus' first miracle here is making more wine for people who have already had enough to drink. I personally don't drink because I don't like losing the ability to make good decisions and that is what happens when you drink too much. I also feel that as a role model for youth I need to be free from alcohol to be able to encourage youth to do the same thing.)

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