Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mark 8

How many of you were surprised reading Mark 8 that twice it is recorded that Jesus fed a large crowd? We often read these stories seperate which mixes them together and this illustrates the importance of reading through the Gospels as a whole every once in a while.
It is also amazing how the disciples have seen these two events and still they worry when the bread for 13 is running low. How often do we focus on what is lacking instead of the potential?
I was struck most this morning by what Jesus said in verse 12, "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign?" How many people are still waiting for a miraculous sign to tell them that God exisits? They want to have a sign that will lead to their belief. What I have often found is that it works the other way around. When you have belief you see the signs. The signs are already all over the place in creation, in answered prayers, in large miracles and small ones, but until we believe we overlook them. We either explain them away or pass them off as chance. Open your eyes today to the signs of God and see his majesty all around us.

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