Monday, April 27, 2009

Going Home

Yesterday I was able to preach at my home church, Marion First United Methodist. It was my first time back preaching since seminary. I think it was in the year 2000. Nine years does not seem like a long time, but a lot has changed in my life and ministry in that time. And I believe my preaching has changed as well since then. It was great to see many familiar faces and hear names I had not heard in a while. I was graciously received by those I knew and the new faces and families to my home church.

Preaching to this congregation was different than preaching to the congregation I pastor. I first had to fight the desire to preach everything I knew in one sermon. I had to remind myself I did not have to reach every person in this one spot. In my congregation I know I will have several chances to share something that will reach someone, but in Marion I had one chance. However, I could not reach everyone and I just had to give the message God laid on my heart.

It was also an experience preaching at four services in one morning. There were services at 7:45, 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00am. I pretty much moved from one service to the next. The only time I had to reset was during the other parts of the worship service. I did survive okay, but 7:45am was pretty early for my voice.

Through it all I was reminded of the grander scale of the Body of Christ. At times it is easy to feel like St. Paul's UMC in Williamsburg is where our ministry occurs. However, I would not be a part of this congregation if it were not for the work Marion First UMC did to raise me in the faith and encourage me in my call to ministry. I can only imagine the ministry that will be done through the people who are touched here in Williamsburg and sent out into ministry, whether that is as a pastor or lay person. God does some amazing things through the lives of his people and the Body of Christ.


Anonymous said...

I think it was great that you had an opportunity to preach at your home church. I'm sure they were all anxious to see how you turned out. You know, local boy is huge success! Film at eleven! As much as we missed you, James, I have to say that Helen did an amazing job yesterday. With little sleep and a sore throat to boot, she pulled it off like a pro. And she reached at least one person. On the way home, John said to me that he finally understood the principle of grace because of her message and the story of the college professor. Good job, Helen!

Carolyn said...

The Rhineharts had the pleasure of hearing James preach at Marion!!