Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Over the weekend I read “Church Leadership” by Lovett H. Weems, Jr.. He admits that leadership is a difficult subject to nail down. Some people think leaders are born, but others say leadership can be learned. Some think leaders are only a certain personality style, while others think a leader can be any style of personality. We also often focus on leadership as an individual, but to be a true leader a team is needed. Personally I stand in the middle of most of these where it takes a little from both sides.
As Weems talked about leadership he started by defining two words associated with leadership which are administration and management. He said, “Administration is doing things right.” “Management is doing the right thing.” He said these can be a part of leadership, but also just because you are a good administrator or manager that does not mean you are a leader. He then gave a nice three line definition of leadership, which I summarize as leadership is casting a picture of the right vision and helping others to follow that vision.
I was reminded as Weems spent one-third of his book focusing on vision that vision is a vital piece of leadership. He spends the other two-thirds of the book talking about team, culture and integrity. As our congregation is focusing on our vision this month I am praying God would help us to clarify our vision and come up with more specific steps to follow our vision. The vision actually will then become our leader instead of a person. (Although our vision is to help people SEE the person of Jesus Christ.)
So I want to find a question or questions that you will hear often when we are making decisions at St. Paul’s UMC. These questions will remind us to hold up everything we do to our vision to be sure they are in line with each other. I am not sure what that question will be yet, but it might be, “Will this help others to SEE Christ?” If the answer is “no” then we will not move forward with that idea, ministry or action. If the answer is “yes”, then we will continue to move forward. My hope as I repeatedly ask that question is that soon others will be asking it as well.
Leadership is a team effort of creating a culture where we follow God’s vision for us with integrity. I think Lovett Weems would be proud of that definition.

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