Monday, January 28, 2008

Get Directions

We have finished our first month of understanding our new vision statement: To be a church where you can SEE Christ. I thought I would consult the "expert" on purpose statements, Rick Warren. In the opening of his "The Purpose Driven Life" book he says, "If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose." Rick points us to the fact that to really live the kind of life we were meant to live we need to start by asking God for directions.
I look back over my life and know that when I started to ask God for directions in my life I have done more than I ever thought possible. I was never considered a leader at anything growing up. I was very much a follower and did not want to be center stage for anything. Once I started my relationship with God he has guided me to the front many times to lead. Now I lead a whole congregation into exciting ministry for the Lord. God has brought me a long way because I have focused on finding his purpose. Finding your purpose can change many things in your life.
Having a clear purpose for our church can also change many things. Rick lists several benefits of a clear church vision in his book "The Purpose Driven Church." He says a clear purpose builds morale, reduces frustration, allows concentration, attracts cooperation and assists evaluation. If we truly follow this vision statement it can be our guide in ministry as we discern where this vision leads and where it does not lead. A question that should become common for us is "Does this ministry, small group, service fulfill our vision to show Christ?"
This vision will call us to be leaders in our community. When we serve, experience and embrace Christ we will be leading others to know him. Let's step forward and step up to this calling.

MISSION: What does this vision statement mean in your life? What do you need to build on and what do you need to let go? Share with someone or comment to me where you see this vision taking our congregation.

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