Monday, January 21, 2008

Feel It

The second core value in our new church vision statement is to be a church where you can experience God. We want to be a church that does not just read about God or talk about God, but that we experience God.
I was thinking back to my favorite experience of feeling God's presence. I was in college, down at Iowa Wesleyan, when one night I began to feel overwhelmed. I had too much to do and too little time to do it. I wasn't able to go to sleep that night as I stared at the ceiling worrying about everything. I could not get my mind to stop thinking about how to solve all of my problems. Then all of a sudden the Spirit of God spoke to my heart. The Spirit asked me two questions: How is your worrying going to solve anything? and Don't you trust me?
After I was asked those two questions I began to laugh out loud. I could not stop laughing for several minutes because the joy of the Lord had filled me. (I did not have a roommate at the time, which was good because he would have thought I was crazy.) I knew I trusted God with my life and so I just laughed at how foolish I was to be worrying. I knew God would take care of everything and I would find my way through the mess with his help. I laughed myself to sleep that night.
I can't remember now what the concerns were that filled me with worry and apparently nothing too devastating happen from that situation, but I do remember the feeling of God's voice calling me to trust him and allow him to work in my life.
I hope no matter the worries and troubles you face that you can experience the calm assurance of God's voice reminding you if you trust him, he will see you through.

MISSION: Remember your favorite experience with God and share it with someone close to you.

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