Sunday, June 27, 2010

What if...this was your last day on earth?

The average life expectancy in the United States for women is 28,891 days and for men it is 26,371 days. That is a lot of days to live. Of course, they are not all guaranteed, but that is the average.
Now think about how many of those days will be days you will never forget. How many of those days were memorable? Weddings, births, deaths, and other life changing moments make days memorable. I still remember the first day I saw my future wife on the seminary campus. I also remember the night my life was changed as I gave my life to Christ.
Now, how many of your days were average and forgettable? Days that you just went through the motions. The days that were routine and you were on autopilot. I would guess we all have more forgettable days than memorable ones.
However, if we decided to we might be able to change that. That is the idea behind the question; what if this was your last day on earth? Would you want your last day to be memorable or forgettable?
If we decide to live each day to God's fullest, each day would make a difference in this world and therefore be memorable. Living for God's fullest means that we have given up living for ourselves and decided to help people become aware of God's presence. If I live each day for God then it would be easier for me to have that be my last day on earth.
I know this is a rather larger ideal, and living each day fully for God is a big goal, but I still dream. I still challenge you and myself to live each day as if it were our last. Don't miss the opportunities God places before you each day. Make the most of those opportunities. It is through those daily opportunities to live for God that we will share a piece of heaven with those here on earth.

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