Friday, March 7, 2008

John 8

The first section of the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John is a story that often reminds me how to represent Christ to others. Here a woman is brought who was caught in the act of adultery. Their law required her to be stoned to death, but Jesus takes a different approach. He does two things seen in what he finally says to the woman. He says he does not condemn her, but he also calls her to leave her life of sin. We are to follow his example.
In our lives there will be people doing things that are not right. And honestly we have all done things that were not right. We all have sin in our lives. Jesus does not call us to run around pointing out other people's sins. We are not called to judge or condemn people for their behavior.
At the same time we are not called to ignore sin, but strive to live a life free from sin. There is a difference between not condemning someone and ignoring their sin. Ignoring sin allows that sin to continue to control a person's life. Until the sin is acknowledged it will continue to have a hold on that person. Once it is brought to light the next step is to move away from it.
Jesus here calls this woman to leave her life of sin and we are to give that same invitation to others. What we can also offer to do is walk with that person as they work to be freed from that sin. Being freed from sin in our lives can be as easy as accepting the freedom God offers and making a decision to never do it again. However, being freed from sin also can be a long journey for sins that have deeply held us away from God. Either way God invites us to journey with other sinners to more fully understand and live out the freed Christ offers us from sin.
All of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but together we can overcome sin by the power of Christ's forgiving grace.

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