Monday, March 23, 2009


Yesterday in a time of healing prayer we had many people come forward for themselves or for other people that needed a healing touch. Pastor Helen and I prayed for healing for cancer, autism, ALS, addictions, financial situations, and many other situations. A personal prayer was for my daughter with her delayed development. These were big prayers.
There were many brave people asking for prayers for their personal healing. The situations they face with their health concerns has to be difficult, but they fight on. We had sons stand in for their father and mother. We had friends stand in for one another. We had people from one service stand in for those from the other service.
I believe these prayers will be answered. Jesus said if our faith is as big as a mustard seed, which is pretty small, we can move mountains. I believe we had more than a mustard seed of faith in our prayers yesterday and God has already begun to work through those prayers.
I do not want to be too focused in God's response in thinking he can only respond in one way to these prayers, but to be open to how God chooses to respond. At the same time I am expecting miracles to happen and I believe God will respond in some cases with a response that we can only acknowledge as a miracle of God. Other responses might be quality care by doctors or new procedures, but those too are made possible by God.
I invite each of you to continue to pray for those who need God's healing touch. His Spirit will touch whoever is lifted up in prayer.
I also want to hear the stories of what healings take place from our prayers. So let me know how you see God respond.


Helen said...

God's presence was so great yesterday and I know that the power of the Lord is working in our community of believers. Continue to let Pastor James, myself and the prayer team know how to pray for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to see all those reach out for healing at the worship service on Sunday. Myself, I'm not into the laying on of hands. It makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's a holdover from watching Oral Roberts at my grandparent's home and being embarassed by the twitching and gyrations of the "healed". Or maybe it's the thought of showing a weakness to others. I'm not good at that either. Luckily, our friends are there for us with prayer and support. Thanks M & C!!

Pastor James said...

Jeanie, I understand both of those reasons for not being comfortable with the laying on of hands. We have yet to have "twitchers" that I know of and it does take courage to be honest and show we have weakness.
Knowing that and other struggles with the whole healing service idea, with so many people coming forward it reminds me both of the great faith in our congregation and the great desire for healing. Some situations you could call desperate and that is why some people came forward. Others it might be more like "Well, it can't hurt." But in all situations I know God wants to move and touch their lives as they open themselves to his work.
So no matter if someone comes forward or they participate from the pews I know the healing work of God will continue.