Monday, September 15, 2008

Develop Friendships

How often do you have conversations about faith or what you believe with your friends?
I was remembering back in the early days of my faith I would have nights where friends would stay overnight and we would discuss what we believed until the early hours of the morning. I am sure we did not come up with brilliant answers. We did not solve the problems of the world, but we did grow in our faith as we thought and challenged each other. We learned more about each other and how we viewed the world. It was back in the good old days.
Today I have similar conversations, but they are not late night conversations dreaming and thinking big. The conversations are more often someone coming to me for answers as an "authority" instead as equal searchers finding our way through. That is not always the case and thankfully so.
Talking about our faith and beliefs is very personal and sometimes difficult to do with friends, but it is also highly rewarding. When we make those deeper connections with others our relationship is strengthened. It opens doors to grow closer together. And really it takes your friendship to another level and builds a stronger bond with that person.
I encourage you this week to pray about those friendships you have that can take the step to the next level and have conversations about your faith.

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