Monday, July 26, 2010

facebook: It's free and anyone can join

If you go to and are looking to become a member of facebook you will see that it says there "It's free (and always will be)." It is free to get your own personal facebook page. It does not cost you a thing.
A month or so ago this phrase was different. I assume it was changed because there was a message going around on facebook that it was going to stop being free. If I remember correctly the message said that on July 15, 2010 they were going to start charging a monthly fee for facebook. This got some people riled up and I saw several petitions for a free facebook going around. Either that worked or the message was just a rumor and was never really going to happen.
The phase was changed to "It's free (and always will be)" to calm those worries about having to pay for facebook. The previous phrase was "It's free and anyone can join." I like that one a little better than the new one.
It's free and anyone can join applies to our faith as well. Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us that "it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast." Basic translation: Our relationship with God is a free gift. We cannot do anything to earn it or deserve it.
Yet we try to earn it or deserve it. We try to be good enough before coming into God's presence, but God loves us as we are. We can simply come to him to have that relationship. Once we are there I believe God works on our hearts, but that is work for God to do in us and not for us to do to ourselves.
So, our faith is free, but don't forget that anyone can join. I hope you have joined and if not God freely offers you an invitation. All you need to do is receive the gift of a relationship with him.
If you have already joined then I want to remind you that anyone else can join. There are people around you that need an invitation from you to join. I believe God calls people, but often he does that through us. We need to go to anyone and invite them into the family of God. Remind them it is free and let them know how a relationship with Christ has impacted your life. Spread the word, faith in Christ is free and anyone can join.

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