Monday, May 10, 2010


I know all of you were probably looking forward to a blog full of stories on how my mom is the greatest mom in the world, but I also want you share about your moms. God has called all of us to honor our mothers, so share a story with me and others about your wonderful mom.
I will go first. My mom is the best because she never gives up. When my parents divorced I was 3, my sister was 1 and my brother was 5. Mom worked at home offering childcare in order to care for us and pay the bills. When we were older, she was told she could no longer have so many kids to care for, which meant her income would not be enough. So she had to get a job outside the home. This whole time she also had a Saturday job and worked as the handbell choir director at our church.
Mom is a hard worker and is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. I want to be like her when I grow up.
Why is your mom wonderful?


Anonymous said...

My mom is awesome because she has always loved me no matter what I have done. Through good times and bad, she has been there!

Anonymous said...

Even though my mother passed away two years ago, I still experience the things that made her "wonderful". She was smart, witty, and stylish. I find myself thinking, hmmm....would Mom put that mirror directly over that table or maybe off to the side? Or, should I prune the ends off that plant now or later? But I would have to say that the thing that made my mom the most wonderful was her ability to NOT say "I told you so". Throughout our years together, I did some really stupid, dumb things. Stuck my finger in a toy baby bottle and had to go get the bottle cut off, went roller skating with a fever of 102, married the wrong guy the first time out, you know...regular stuff. Never once did I everhear her say "I told you so." even though she had warned me many times of the consequences. I wish I would have inherited that trait.