Monday, October 6, 2008

Walk With It

For the last month I have been working through this idea of walking each and every day in a way that reaches out to other people. It is amazing what happens when you focus on a subject for that long. It just kind of leaks into your life. So I have personally been more aware of opportunities each day that I can share God's love and grace with those around me. I think I now walk a little different, especially when outside the church building.
I now walk slower when I am around other people because I want to give myself more time to feel God nudging me towards someone. I take a little more time to talk with people in restaurants, at the grocery store, or anywhere else I am in public. I want to not be in such a hurry when I am out in public. So many times I am on a mission. I am focused on that gallon of milk I have to get that I forget there are people around. But God is teaching me to be present with the people that are around me. And I am learning that the little things like a smile, a hello, and actually listening and talking with people can be meaningful and lead to bigger things.
God can do amazing things with the little changes we can make in our lives. With our little gestures to others God's Spirit can do more than we can imagine. So I encourage all of you to walk with that sense of expectation that God will use each word that comes from your mouth. Expect God to use each moment you pause to help someone. Expect God to transform the lives of people around you (and yourself) as you walk for him.


Anonymous said...

Something I would like to add is that sometimes I know I'm not the right fit to pull someone closer to God and it's hard but I have to be better about learning when to back off or maybe even ask a friend you think might be a better fit to pull that person in. I seem to be good with new people I have just met or like in Jason Kersten and my case had lost touch over the years. I struggle the most with the ones who are closest to me such as my own husband or brother. Now my brother has had a weird thing against organized religon his whole life for some reason (it's amazing we were raised in the same house because we are so different) but my husband is one that needs to be reached out to but I know I am not the one that can do that. He wants to be loved and accepted but appears to be closed off and fears rejection so he just doesn't try to make friends. I would like to encourage any and all to be the one to "walk across the room" and change that for us. I want him to feel that our church is HIS church too not just his wife's and children's. Feel free to contact me if any of you have any suggestions or would like to know more. Thanks for listening!


Helen said...

Jamie thanks for your openess to share with us through blogging. It seems to be so much easier for women to find a place to feel at home with a church, then men. That is something for us all to pray about.