Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm Rich

The Transformation Journal today from Ginghamsburg UMC is about the love of money and the pursuit of riches. I know some people do aspire to becoming rich, but I also know many of us just aspire to live comfortably. In our celebrity driven society we all feel life would be grand if we lived off of millions of dollars with no worries.
However, I have learned life can be grand when you handle your finances in a way that keeps you in charge. I will continue to "preach" debt free living until everyone buys in. Helen and I find great freedom in living without car payments, credit card bills, and creditors calling. We do not have an extravagant life by most standards, but we live comfortably and we are free to give generously when we feel led.
I pray all of us would learn to not chase money, but chase the dreams God has in store for us. Our finances are a part of our lives and we need to learn how to handle them to live freely in God's plan.
A saying I recently heard said, "No one dies wishing they had saved more, but wishing they had given more."

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