Monday, September 5, 2011


We have been focused on Sunday mornings on Inductive Bible Study. We have been talking about ways to read and understand our Bibles. The three steps are to make observations, interpret the text, and then apply it to your life. I have also tried on Sunday mornings to get some conversation going on the text we were looking at, but most people did not seem to want to talk back.
It seems this has been happening on my blog as well. My intention for my blog was for some back and forth conversation to take place about my message on Sunday mornings or anything else, but comments have been rare. For that reason this will be my last blog, at least for a while.
My final invitation is for you to look at the connections between the book of Genesis and the beginning of the Bible and the Book of Revelation and the end of the Bible. Both books talk about rivers and trees. They talk about God's presence and his activity.
They also both talk about God's connection to humanity. I think looking at the beginning and the end of the Bible shows that God's communicated purpose to us was that we were made to be in relationship with God. That relationship is not always easy because of who God is, in his holiness, and who we are, in our brokenness. Yet, God works to repair that relationship.
In the end we are told that it will work out. We are told that fear, suffering and death will end, but God's love, grace, and mercy will last forever. I pray that we can keep this hope in front of us as we follow God.
Keep digging into God's Word and keep growing in your connection to Christ.